Here is a material list of items that we take for hazardous waste – all containers can be no bigger than a 5 gallon pail and no glass mason jars please.
Used motor oil Antifreeze, Household batteries Automotive batteries, Propane tanks (20lb tanks and smaller), Aerosol spray cans, Pool chemicals.
Base corrosive- examples caustic soda and cleaners drain opener floor wax detergents.
Toxics -examples pesticides herbicides insecticides fertilizers.
Acid corrosive – example muriatic and sulfuric battery acid rust removers.
Flammables – examples adhesives, varnish thinners, camping fuels, old gasoline, stain, car care products.
Paint – must be in original containers (no glass jars at all). We take 5 gallon pails, gallon cans, quart cans and smaller.
Fore more information call the North Stormont Office at 613-984-2821